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Why Camino?

Why Camino?

  • Increase our faith and grow closer to Christ.

  • Increase our devotion to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and pray at her tomb.

  • First American canonized saint.

  • Lived in Maryland.

  • Patron of Catholic parochial schools.

  • Patron of Maryland.

  • A model for faith in the real Presence in the Eucharist.

  • Visit historic churches to help rediscover the Catholic roots of Maryland.

  • Give public witness to our Faith.

  • Complete a diffcult, arduous task in reparation for our sins and to show our love for God.

Individual Registration

*We will contact you for additional information.

Ways to Participate


  1. Monday, June 10 — Sunday, June 23. Walk the Complete Camino of Maryland (14 days-218 mi.). Start at Point Lookout and end with mass at the Shrine of St Elizabeth Ann Seton.

  2. Thursday, June 13-Sunday, June 23. The Purist's Camino (ll days-157 mi.) from St. Clement's Island to the Shrine of Elizabeth Ann Seton. For the purists who think we should start where the first mass in Maryland was celebrated.

  3. Monday, June 10 -Monday, June 17. Walk the Southern Camino (8 days-130 mi.). Start at Point Lookout and end at St. John the Evangelist Church in Clinton, Maryland.

  4. Thursday, June 20 — Sunday, June 23. Walk the Northern Camino (4 days-69 mi.). Start at St. Catherine Labouré, Maryland, and end with mass at the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

  5. Tuesday, June 18-Wednesday, June 19. Walk across Our Nation's Capital (2 days-29 mi.). Walk from St. John the Evangelist Church in Clinton, Maryland to St. Catherine Laboure (The Avalon School) in Wheaton, Maryland.

  6. Saturday, June 15-Sunday, June 16. Walk the Weekend Camino 1 (2 days-27 mi.). Start at St. Mary's Newport in Charlotte Hall, Maryland, and end at St. Joseph's Pomfret in Pomfret, Maryland.

  7. Saturday, June 22-Sunday, June 23. Walk the Weekend Camino 2 (2 days-27.3 mi.). Start at St. John the Evangelist in Frederick, Maryland, and end at Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

  8. Complete a leg of the pilgrimage.

  9. Join us for mass on any day.

  10. Sunday, June 23. Walk the Final Leg (8.1 mi.), from Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Thurmont, Maryland to the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, Maryland, or join us at the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for the final mass at 1•.30 pm.

  11. Greet pilgrims at your church when they arrive and as they leave. Offer snacks and drinks and prayers.

  12. Follow from your home the route the pilgrims are walking and unite with them in prayer.


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